code of conduct

Together, we build your career with you.

Take accountability and act with integrity
  • You take accountability for your professional development and growth, and to achieve your goals you act with integrity, honesty and fairness in your daily duties.
  • Speaking up
  • You have the right to speak up when you see anything you are not comfortable with at work. This could be a behaviour, process or system that isn't working well.
  • Treat colleagues with respect
  • You are the key to maintaining a positive environment. Treat your colleagues fairly, listen to different opinions with civility and work together towards achieving our goals as a company.
  • Manage personal health and finances responsibly
  • You take good care of your personal health and finances so that you can focus well at work. Don’t hesitate to speak to your line manager for support when in need.
  • Comply with laws, regulations and Group policies
  • You must comply with laws, regulations and our Group policies, in spirit and in letter as intended. You ensure compliance in any situation.
  • Manage conflicts of interest
  • You need to disclose and manage any conflicts of interest to avoid impairment of your objectivity and performance.
  • Reject bribery and corruption
  • You must not offer or accept bribes or be involved in any form of corruption. These activities are illegal, dishonest, damage the economy, and bring harm to the communities we operate within.
  • Do not engage in insider trading
  • You must protect private information at all times, as the misuse of insider information undermines the fairness, transparency and inclusivity of the financial system.
  • Be honest and open with regulators and auditors
  • Our regulators and auditors uphold the safety of the financial system and assure we are fully compliant. You should cooperate by being responsive, open and honest.
  • Fight financial crimes
  • You must protect customers and the financial system by complying with anti-money laundering laws, regulations and Group policies. This prevents financing terrorism and fraudulant acitvity.
  • Protect confidential information
  • We are trusted to keep our clients' information safe. You adhere to information security policies and in no situation are you permitted to release confidential information to unauthorised persons.
  • Protect customers’ money and assets
  • You should practice good internal controls to ensure safeguarding of our clients’ money and digital assets. The disposal of customers’ assets are authorised by virtue of law.